Flowers and Trees

Naomi's work is about beauty in a world she finds, has descended into chaos.  

Through the use of black and white photography and prints, she allows the audience to view her subject matter without distraction.  She seeks to balance this purity with her sense of how complex and fractured our world has become.  With elegance and pure form, Naomi makes us see what is already missing and what we risk losing, through the continuing consequences of over-urbanization and ignoring climate change.  Naomi seeks to document nature in our present world.

With this near obsession in mind, Naomi uses flowers and trees, as her vehicle.  She sees the short life expectancy of flowers; their fragility; their imperfect, yet perfect beauty as a metaphor for human life.  The strong sculptural presence of trees remind her of what has already been lost in  our ever-growing cities.  Their dependency on us for survival, make them especially vulnerable to our decisions.  As Naomi states:  "We cut down our trees; we displace our animals; our land is destroyed in the name of progress, as we make way for even more urban densification and sprawl."

The very essence of her flowers and trees stand as a reminder of a simpler past, which continues to be lost.  She asks the question: As we walk with technology in hand,  will we follow this path of destruction, ignoring the diminishing view of our natural world, or will we stop and restore its timeless beauty?”